Groups and Events

Providing the disability community with direct connection to others with similar interests and experiences.

Sensory Disabilities
Psychiatric Disabilities
Non-Visible Disabilities
Cognitive and Intellectual Disabilities
Physical Disabilities
All Inclusive!

Here's a different option for you. Eos in maluisset mediocritatem. Cu qui admodum inimicus, te mei debet qualisque.

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“Great customer service, kuddos for doing things the right way rather than the easy way. I am still getting compliments about the food served at my wedding.”
Paul Morgan

Why join The 10 Percent social network?

Looking for a safe and secure social networking site designed specifically for the disability community? Our platform provides a unique opportunity to connect with people, share stories, and gain support and advice. You can join groups and attend events to meet others who share your interests and needs. Join us today to start building meaningful connections!

Are the social events right for me?

We make it easy to find people with similar interests and goals, create meaningful relationships, or stay motivated. With our unique social networking experience, you can meet your peers and build strong networks that will last.

Take a sneak peek: Our 10% prototype in the Social Network tab.


Donate today. Support the dream!

With your help, we can provide the necessary funds to develop this platform and create a brighter future for everyone! Donate today and join us on this journey towards a better tomorrow.

Join us today and become part of a growing community of individuals striving towards creating an accessible world!

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